crayon things

color this life with crayon

Thursday, December 08, 2005

how do we live?

do you think we could live without hope and dream?
you just live coz you have to live and follow all the habit and custom?
if you live like that, isn't it empty?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hopes and dreams...that's quiet of the hook (-Bronx,NYC languange)don't you think?...if u want to get yourself in the crowd don't be such an airhead, dude' get your knees up and start to think about your own ground...your own unconceivable fort....maybe its just pity for a dime but that's just ur soul to mention it out to the world...and ya'll find happiness afte'...y'all know waht i'm saying...

ps-don't think you will understand the line...this' using a street words to take my whole idea out...sorry galz....a habit...

ThE Sk1Pp3R production

December 10, 2005 1:40 pm  

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